Art Education
Laboratorio inclusivo di narrazione teatrale e musica
Prima lezione: 6 Novembre
Partecipazione: Gratuita
Per l’inserimento è prevista una prova di una sessione (lunedì due ore), per verificare l’idoneità alla partecipazione.
Info e iscrizioni:
T. 0958168912 (da lunedì a venerdì, dalle 10 alle 13)
Diretto da Margherita Mignemi e Olivia Spigarelli
Per ragazzi: 18.00-20.00 | Per adulti: 20.30-22.30
Per info e iscrizionI: 3773975365
Servizio Civile Universale
European Solidarity Corps
Zō Associazione culturale holds a valid accreditation as host organisation for the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), a project authorized by the European Commission and part of the EU Erasmus+ program.
Click here for more information about the Erasmus+ program.
Click here to see the database of volunteering opportunities.
How will young people benefit from it?
The European Solidarity Corps is the perfect match for young people who want to take social action, develop their skills and enhance their employability.
It also enables them to connect with like-minded people and feel rewarded for making a difference.
After their activity, participants receive a certificate that documents their participation.
This could be used when applying for jobs or further learning.
Participants’ travel and accommodation costs will be covered for the duration of the activity and some spending is provided for additional personal expenses.
Relevant training will be given before the activity starts and after arrival on site.
Do You want to participate in the ESC program in Zō?
Join the corps here, you need that registration number.
Please send a motivational letter and your Europass to before the 4th of December 2023.
Make sure you are registered at a sending organisation!
If you haven’t found one yet, click here for an overview of organizations.